Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Hi Classmates,

I'm passing along the word from Sandi Cunningham who is asking that we all vote (early and often!!) for her granddaughter Cierra who is 1 of 10 finalists in the Americas region for the worldwide Roxy Dare Yourself Challenge.  Cierra is an  honor student, a competitive surfer, and a member of a performing dance company.  She uses her passion for surfing to help Wounded Warriors and to participate in missionary trips to Costa Rica.

I was serious about the 'early and often' request.  Each of us can vote for Cierra daily until June 10th.  If you try to vote again before 24 hours from your previous vote,  the screen says you have already voted come back tomorrow.

This is Cierra's original video and a link to vote for her:

And, here is Cierra's new video on YouTube:

On Sandi's behalf, I'll extend her thanks in advance for supporting Cierra.

Greetings and best wishes to you all, --Suzanne Rhodes

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